Buzz Off with Grip Buddies

Buzz Off with Grip Buddies

Grip Buddies are a neat solution to the problem of ‘buzzing’ handlebars. Many riders experience a tingling sensation in their hands and fingers during a ride, which alongside being uncomfortable and unpleasant, can affect concentration and control.

Grip Buddies are made from neoprene, which helps to absorb vibration from the bars. They measure just 3.8mm thick, enough to provide a barrier against the buzzing without adding too much width to the grips.

Unlike some slip-on foam grips, the neoprene doesn’t absorb water, and Grip Buddies also feature a ‘Super Sharkskin’ textured outer layer, which is designed to stay grippy when wet. They’re also fully compatible with heated grips; the low profile design allowing heat to pass through quickly.

Quick and easy to fit, using a strong, self-adhesive hook-and-eye strip, Grip Buddies go straight on top of both standard and heated grips, and are designed not to ‘creep’ or move during use.

Grip Buddies cost just £25- a set, including VAT, and are currently available for all BMW models, most larger Japanese machines, as well as Triumphs and Harley Davidsons.

For a full fitment list visit:

Notes: Nippy Normans have specialised in sourcing high quality spares and accessories for BMW motorcycles for more than 30 years. The majority are exclusive to Nippy Normans – including Wunderlich, MachineArt and MotoLED. In addition, the team are continually developing exclusive products under the Nippy Normans name such as risers, GPS leads, huggers, screens, sidestand extenders and more.