Longer lines from Venhill

Longer lines from Venhill

Venhill’s British-made replacement motorcycle cables and hoses are now available to order in longer lengths at the click of a button on the updated venhill.co.uk website. 

One of the most common requests Venhill receives is making longer cables or hoses, usually because riders have fitted bar risers or changed handlebars to wider or clip-on designs.

Venhill’s intuitive new online ordering system enables users to add extra length to control cables and hydraulic hoses during the ordering process – just head to the online Part Finder, select the make and model of your motorcycle, add the required additional length (in either millimeters or inches) and Venhill will make the cable or hose.

The site automatically calculates the price as the user edits the listing, so the total is clear before ordering. Customers can also choose the colour of the outer sleeve and the price is displayed ‘live’ as the user edits the listing, so the total is clear before ordering.

The new ‘add additional length’ option is available for all makes and models of motorcycle in the Venhill  catalogue, which is continually growing.

Venhill cables and hoses are made to order in their UK factory, to a much higher specification than factory-fitted items, and are designed to deliver improved performance and durability along with smoother and lighter action.

Venhill Featherlight Cabes feature marine-grade stainless steel inner wire for minimum stretch and a PTFE liner for minimum friction and lighter action, removing the need for regular lubrication.

Powerhouse Plus Hoses have a DuPont® Teflon® core, which is resistant to loss of shape through heat, delivering more efficient fluid flow to the callipers, and increased braking force.

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To order Venhill cables or hoses, with or without additional length, visit www.venhill.co.uk