apparel into the world of high-end..."/>

MV Agusta Launches Its – Logo Level 1 – Streetwear Garments

MV Agusta Launches Its – Logo Level 1 – Streetwear GarmentsReleased in typical limited series “drops”, the new collection take branded apparel into the world of high-end street fashion.

MV Agusta Motor S.p.A. is announcing the launch of its new branded streetwear apparel collection, Logo Level 1, with several successive releases scheduled at different times of the year. Fostering the iconography of the MV Agusta logo, and releasing as limited series “drops”, mark the company’s intention to appeal to younger-generation, broadening its audience to attentive, streetwise and discerning non-bikers. The Logo Level 1 collection reaches out to its public through a very specific language, made of content, values and connections. The project will be available on MV Agusta’s official webstore, and also in the best street-fashion stores worldwide.

In the presentation of the first capsule collection, driven by the “Motorcycle Art” claim which strongly summarises the values of the brand, MV Agusta teamed up with KALEIDOSCOPE to present “Metafisica Veloce” — a riff on the company’s initials that celebrates innovation and tradition contaminating each other to prompt new ideas around speed.

Here, Jim Nedd’s photography captures enigmatic scenes in the eerie and enigmatic backdrop of the city of Tresigallo, also called “the Metaphysical City” for its beautifully-preserved rationalist-style buildings that seem to have come straight out of a De Chirico painting.

In the silent tableaux vivants, the Superveloce, the company’s most iconic motorcycle and a masterpiece of design, finds stillness, while the collection of garments, styled by Francesca Izzi, delivers the company’s new image direction and contemporary vision.

The quilted jacket is undoubtedly the most representative garment in the collection. It perfectly summariZes its essence: a no season, no gender, international project. The brand’s vision is to have a single apparel project for different users but also for the same users in different moments and occasions.

The rest of the collection includes jersey t-shirts and sweatshirts, but also oversize windbreakers, chino pants with an outdoor construction in Lamintess technical fabric, a duffle bag in the same fabric and a quilted jacket that shows the classic logo embroidered on the side. The fits are easy, the materials of the highest quality and the manufacturing Italian.

The next drops will continue to follow this direction with the addition of accessories and other items of clothing.

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or head to the official MV Agusta website

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